Troubleshooting Your Automated Sheet Cutting Machine: A Practical Guide


Is your automated sheet cutting machine cutting more than you planned? Don’t worry! This guide will walk you through some common causes and solutions to get your machine back on track and ensure precise cuts.

1. Start with Simple Checks:
Before diving into complex troubleshooting, start with a basic check of the motor circuit. A potential short circuit could be the reason behind the machine’s continuous cutting. This simple inspection can often reveal the source of the problem.

2. Inspect the Sensor:
After the machine starts up, closely monitor the sensor located near the connecting rod. This sensor plays a crucial role in the machine’s operation, ensuring accurate cuts. If you suspect the sensor might be malfunctioning, consult your user manual for troubleshooting steps or seek assistance from a qualified technician for a replacement.

3. Check Internal Components:
Internal components, such as the solid-state relay or capacitor, could also be the cause of the issue. Over time, these parts may experience wear and tear, leading to operational problems. Carefully examine these components for any signs of damage, and refer to the user manual or a technician for advice on how to address potential faults.

4. Verify Data Inputs:
Precision cutting depends on accurate data input. Double-check the settings on your touchscreen, including quantities, batches, and other cutting parameters. Ensure that all values are correct and free of errors that could be causing the continuous cutting problem.

5. Get Expert Support:
Remember, you don’t have to solve these issues alone. We are here to help and provide the support you need to keep your machine running smoothly.

Beyond Troubleshooting: Ensuring Reliable Performance

While these troubleshooting tips should help resolve common issues, it’s important to emphasize the reliability of our sheet cutting machines. Designed for minimal downtime and extended service life, these machines deliver consistent cutting precision across a wide range of materials. Features such as automatic feeding and post-cutting alarms add to the convenience and ease of use.

To maximize the machine’s performance, it’s essential to follow the operational guidelines. By doing so, you’ll not only extend the machine’s lifespan but also reduce the likelihood of encountering issues in the future.

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Our advanced sheet cutting machines are trusted by clients both domestically and internationally for their high performance and precision. Join the growing community of satisfied customers and experience the difference our cutting technology can make in your production process.



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